Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Baker Company: Winter War Kickstarter 825% Funded!

Baker Company's Winter War Kickstarter has now passed the halfway point! At time of writing, we have just under 14 days to go, and our total funding is at £24,836.00 (which is 825% of our funding goal of £3,000.00) and with 19 stretch-goals unlocked! We have now produced the first two master molds, and painted some of the Finnish riflemen.

To celebrate our Kickstarter mid-point, we have linked up with 4Ground, the fantastic producers of finely-made laser-cut terrain, perfect for every 28mm wargaming table! We have set up two new pledge-levels, which include 4Ground and Baker Company resin terrain. Please go to our Kickstarter page to see all the details!

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