Thursday, August 29, 2013

Uprising Miniatures: 15mm Kosciuszko Uprising Line

Uprising Miniatures: Uprising Miniatures is happy to announce the first four packs in our 15mm Kosciuszko Uprising line are now available.The first four packs are:

  • KUM01 – Peasant Militia with Scythes (8)
  • KUM02 – Peasant Militia with Muskets (8)
  • KUR01 – Russian Infantry Marching (8)
  • KUR02 – Russian Infantry Command (6)

We will be releasing more packs soon. The next figures will be the Polish and Lithuanian regulars. Eventually, I'd like to cover all of the troop types that fought in the Insurrection, but we will be concentrating on the Russians and Poles/Lithuanians first.

1 comment:

Gavin Syme (GBS) said...

Excellent miniatures and a period which I knew nothing about. I enjoyed the account of the Kosciuszko Uprising on the Uprising website.