Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Minairons Miniatures: 1:56 Hispano-Suiza MC-36 Crowdfunding Project

Minairons Miniatures announces: After lots of emails received and some time of hard thinking, we at Minairons Miniatures have finally taken the decision to launch a 1:56 scale SCW vehicles range, alongside those already started in 1:72 and 1:100. It hasn't been an easy decision, by any means. For starting a plastic-and-resin range can be financially considered more or less sustainable, if in one single scale; while a somehow risky but exciting business to endeavor it in two scales altogether. However, committing oneself to a third scale in parallel, at such a tender stage of our firm… well, quite far from sustainable, unless some help from requesting hobbyists themselves is provided.

This is why we've agreed to put our multi-scale commitment under crowdfunding. Not under the popular Kickstarter portal, because its use is restricted to U.S.A. and U.K. residents only; but IndieGogo instead - for it allows us to do so, it's that simple.

We'd like to start such a 1:56 scale AFVs range with a rare, handsome and stylish armored truck: the Hispano-Suiza MC-36, a competitor to the Bilbao Armored Car for equipping the Guardia de Asalto (Spanish Republic police). Although it finally lost the contest in favor of the cheaper Bilbao, Hispano-Suizas didn't miss their chance, and saw action in Republican hands, in numbers of 5-15 vehicles, depending on sources. Some were captured by the Nationalists, and at least one of them experienced some improvement thanks to a cannibalized T-26 tank.

Please take a glance at our 1:56 Hispano-Suiza MC-36 Crowdfunding Project and support it!

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