Friday, January 18, 2013

Khurasan Miniatures: Mojave Pilgrim and troopers

Announcement from Khurasan Miniatures: We are very pleased to release our latest codes for our very popular End Times range, a Government Forces command and weapons set, and one of the largest creatures in the neo-fauna of the End Times, a lizard called theMojave Pilgrim.

The fascistic Government Forces are pure-strain humans bent on destroying all mutation on the blighted world above their subterranean fortress-bases — which means, basically, everyone else! By popular demand, we have made a second set of these high-tech terrors in their power armor. It's composed of a commander and two heavy-weapons specialists, one with a heavy burner, and the other with a powerful beamer capable to battling the most dangerous threats.

Any list of those most dangerous threats would surely include the Mojave Pilgrim, so named because once they have eaten their way through all the prey in their vicinity, these mutant lizards will leave the desert and migrate east, often thousands of miles, in search of food. Their enormous bulk provides an internal heat source that keeps them active even in the colder climes of the east. Each such monster has glands in its tail which concentrate the poisons from the many toxic life forms it eats, and can spit these toxins in a frightful barrage.

This is an all-resin kit, and — as can be seen in the comparison to the 15mm fantasy models — is quite large (around 160mm or six inches long), big enough to be huge in 28mm or even larger scale gaming, as well. It's only two pieces, top of the head and the rest, so is quite simple to assemble. We will be cross-marketing it in our fantasy range, as the Great Lizard of Zort. We decided to have the lizard made with a stubby armored tail like a Spiny Tailed Lizard, to prevent the usual long lizardy tail from complicating the model's transportation and table space. Both are available now

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