Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Infinity: New October releases

Here are some new releases for the science fiction skirmish game: Infinity! To be honest I never liked this game but this release has some nice gems hidden among it such as the awesome steel phalanx and the Crusader Brethren. If somebody ever played this game please make sure to leave a comment on how it handles as it seems interesting but I have never bothered to learn this game or learn about it. If interested in bigger pictures please visit the Infinity Facebook page.


Unknown said...

i just started playing the last 3 months, and really really like it... there's an order mechanic that limits the amount of moves you can make, but you can spread those orders around, or play several (or even all of them) on the sameminiature... i was skeptical about that idea at first, but since every order triggers a reaction from any enemy model with line of sight, it ends up balancing well... the result is a very vingette type game experience, where little stories play out in each turn, rather than having to be spread out over several turns while you activte every model. my first game, i had a trooper on a roof, and a (linked) squad climbed up a ladder to reach him... two minis made it on the roof, and i unleashed a flamethrower on them, burning them to a crisp... but there were two more minis that had only made it halfway up the ladder, and i just had this image of them staring up and seeing an arc of flame passing overhead.. they killed me with their next order, but it was such a cool moment i knew i was hooked...

Grymjack said...

What Calvin said! You get an order per mini that you field and you can spread you activations around how ever you like. Then when its your opponents turn anything that would cause a "reaction" you get to perform an ARO, reaction order. So when you end your turn you have to think about where you are positioned and how that will affect you on your opponents turn.

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Thanks for your interesting information about infinity!

I haven't played the game yet but you guys make it seriously tempting to give it a try. I aspecially like the reaction system as would happen in real life and the importance of line of sight blockers.
