Sunday, September 16, 2012

Claymore Castings: Scot Casualty pack

Hi, I just found this new release from Claymore Castings for their ever expanding Scottish 1388 range. This range as thier English 1388 range is packed with great miniatures full of character and historical accurate sculpted by the talend chap Paul Hicks. This particular pack includes four wounded scots and retails for £6.00.


Bedford said...

They're a bit special aren't they?

They will all be playing a camoe in my HYW collection that's for sure.

Mighty fine sculpts that just keep making a very interesting range even more interesting!


Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Claymore Castings has an interesting and ever ewpanding range of superb miniatures.

Looking forward in seeing even more!


peter said...

With this kind of figures a battlefield look more realistic.
Nice sculpted!


Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Yes, they certainly add some much needed realism to the tabletop.
