Hi, as said in previous posts Perry Miniatures has released several new packs for their Italian Medieval range and which packs! They are packed with character and great sculpts. The first pack is the Carroccio, a large wagon often used by Italian City Militia Forces to rally the troops and be a point of gathering when needed. The Carroccio was often manned by monks protected by their own bodygard of fierce men at arms. Here you can see a picture of the Carroccio which is manned by several monks en accompagnied by some kneeling knights and militiamen. The cart is drawn by a team of 4 large oxes. This kit retails for £25.00 but parts can be bought seperatly.

The other packs includes Italian light infantry I love these guys because of their great shields and excellent poses! The other two packs contain Italian crossbowmen and handgunners. These infactry packs retail at £6.50 for 6 miniatures.
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