Hi, it's time for some wargame news! Well, quite a lot of news as much has happened last weeks. First of all we have some news from Mantic Games as the release date for the Warpath armies in coming near! Finally we will have the opportunity to game a non expensive scifi game with a whole new line of supporting miniatures and free rules! There will be two different forces available for preorder "the forge fathers" and "the marauders", these forces will exist out of grunts, officers and supporting vehicles! Next we have some exciting news from Warlord Games as they are currently offering the remaining stock of BEF miniatures vehicles for sale. This maybe the last chance for you to order some vehicles before the initial stock runs out as Warlord Games will be only releasing these vehicles as they are remodelled which can take some time as the range is quite big! There's also the possiblity of a price increase as remodelling and making new molds can be quite expensive, so order now to prevent disappointement! Please note that they are only selling the remaining stock, so not all vehicles are up for sale.

Not so new, but I've recently stumbled upon a new range of Blue Moon Manufacturing! The 15/18 mm range is called Deep Dark Africa and features all you need for some darkest Africa adventures ranging from porters to explorers and everything in between! The entire range contains more than 15 different packs and is extremely well-priced!

Other news is that Wayland Games is currenly offering a 25% discount of "The Uncharted Seas" of Spartan Games! This is a temporarily discount so if you want to order do it quick before the stock runs out or the deadline expires! These ships could be used with "The Uncharted Seas" rules or can easily be used for all sorts of other rulesets involving naval forces.

Following is the possibility to preorder Wargames Factory's Spanish war of Succession cavalry a sets which is awaited by wargamers for some months now! The set will include 12 horses and riders for which you have 50 torsos?

Mutineer Miniatures is also releasing severql new exciting sets for their Indian Mutiny range. My personal favorite is the civilian pack which is generic enough to use in lots of different settings and era's. The sculpts seem to be of excellent quality as is the casting, as with the entire range!

Empress Miniatures has also released several news sets in preparation of the release of the plastic zulu and british sets for the Anglo Zulu wars.
Well, that's all. I hope you enjoyed this post!
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