Hi, here are some new releases I've just found on the World Wide Web! First of all we have the preview of the Warlord Games and Empress Miniatures plastic Zulus! Well, they look splendid and I will probably be buying a box of two for my savage Mbuij Mayians, just looks at their facial expressions! Breathtaking! And they are even making two sets! Married and unmarried ones with a plastic Natal Native contingent underway!

There's also the release of the "Dead Stalkers" set from Lead Adventure, a relatively new company in the wargame industries set up by Prof. Witchheimer of the famous Lead Adventure Forum, the place to be if you like either historical or semi-historical game settings! However the company is new, it already features three amazing ranges of miniatures. First of all you have the "1881" range which features Victorian times with a sci fi touch, secondly you have the amazing "post apoc" range which features ragged russians, zombies, survivors and many more! The last range is the newest and is called "Bruegelburg" and consist out of amazing sculpts of medieval townsmen. There's also a small range with unusual characters which are based on people of the forum. All the ranges are sculpted by the talented Igor Karpov, which sculpts new greens at an amazing speed and level of detail!

Another thing I found on the internet is that Wargames Factory is now also selling their own bases! Quit a surprise as there are already lots of plastic base manufacturers such as Renedra and Mantic Games but well they decided to also produce their own bases in the usual 3 sizes, round, square and rectangles. They also shown a preview of their shock trooper heavy weapon set, they look quit nice except for the heavy weapon's tripod which seems to be based on an animal leg?

Another big player on the wargame market, Wargames Foundry also released an amazing range of 28mm metal Dwarfs! Such as most of their fantasy ranges, these miniatures are full of character and looks ace when nicely painted. The range seems to exist out of 21 packs of 4 miniatures! With additional heroes and support! Well, that's a range!

More exciting news apart from the awesome Zulus! Comes from the guys at Warlord Games with their newly releases World War 2, Soviets and they look good if not splendid! These miniatures can be bought seperatly or boxed in a set which contains enought soldiers (23) to form a late war platoon. Just looks at these painted examples, especially the standardbearer!

Warlord Games also started a cooperation with Steel Models Terrain in order to sell entire Celtic Villages for your Ancient Celts! Great resin pieces at more than reasonable prices!
I hope you liked this small news flash!
Greets and of studying I go!
Thanks for the update.
Very good summary of what's new out there.
I think the Zulus are going to be very popular
Thanks for commenting I also think the zulu will sell out quickly!
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