Sunday, April 17, 2011

Plastic madness from Warlord Games, Empress miniatures and Perry miniatures

Hi, here's a short but very interesting newsflash about new releases of 28mm plastic miniatures by Perry Miniatures, Warlord Games and even Empress miniatures! First of all during Salute, the biggest wargame convention in Europe, The Perry Brothers have shown the greens of 6 new boxes of plastic soldiers! One of the boxes is the long awaited War of the Roses cavalry and which you can see on the left. Other boxes were American War of Independence redcoats, American Civil War Confederate infantry(?) and Prussian, Austrian and Russian Napoleonics. There are also rumors that Empress Miniatures, the company which is welknown for it splendid sculpts in metal for the Anglo-Zulu Wars, the Spanish Civil War and their most recent range the New Zealand Wars, also will release 2 boxes containing both Zulus and their British adversaries! As this wasn't enough Warlord games also announced the releases of plastic World War two British commandos and even a plastic Macedonian phalanx! Imagen the clash of Persian infantry (plastics from Wargames Factory of course!) with the Macedonian pikemen at Gaugamela! Who speaks of high lead mountains if there can be plastic mountains twice the size at the same price!



Paul´s Bods said...

OOOOOHHHH Those WOTR Cav look great!!! It seems that multi-part plastic figs are becoming the you say...a mountain of plastic for half the price.
I dread to think what the two sets of perry WOTR figs would have cost me if they were metal!

peter said...

Not quiet my period or size of figures, but these look great.


Steve said...

Warlord had some 3 ups on display (and some photos). The former included WW2 Americans as well as Zulu War Brits and Zulus. The latter the already advertised Roman Scorpion and Macedonians...

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Thansk, finally some chances to built massive armies! But who will paint them? :p

@Peter: You should certainly try the 28mm scale!

@Steve: Thanks for the intel, I wasn't aware of the plastic WW2 Americans as I didn't visited Salute and all this information came from thirds.
