Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Northstar Miniatures: New Plastic Orc Heavy Infantry, Elf Heavy Infantry, Frostgrave Cultists III and Much More!

Northstar Miniatures: What's next from North Star? I know we've been a bit quiet on the news front these past couple of weeks, but just to reassure you we are still working, this is what's planned.

In the next week or so we'll announce the pre-orders for the new Orc Heavy Infantry for Oathmark, both the plastic box set and metal characters. Michael Anderson is also well underway with the Elf Heavy Infantry next. Frostgrave, Cultists III are on the way to the tool makers, the next plastic box set. We're a way off showing you pictures but we will ASAP.

Stargrave. Bobby Jackson is 1/2 way through a secret plastic box set which we'll release next year with the next supplement from Joseph McCullough. The Silver Bayonet. Mike Owen has finished a new French and British Unit, this time dressed for Egypt, and we start on the figures for the new Supplement Italy this week. Muskets & Tomahawks. We're finishing off the Germans for the AWI, and a new set of British Rangers for AWI as well.

We've just received a box of new figures from Bob Murch, so we'll be announcing the new Pulp figures this month. Crusader Miniatures continue with their Boxer Rebellion range, look out for the Russians next. Artizan Design has more Renaissance coming, and a new Commando Raid WWII range which has an exciting twist to it, more news later. Fans of Copplestone Castings 15mm Barbarica range may be cheering loud soon. Mr Copplestone hasn't added to the range, but we'll have something excellent to show you very soon. S'all right innit?

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