Monday, December 11, 2023

The Little Soldier Company: Let's Get Napoleon! Napoleonique Kickstarter

The Little Soldier Company: Napoleon is rather popular at the moment... dependent on whether or not you've seen the movie of course (I haven't as yet). It's been a few years since 1815 where, as Abba regularly extol, Napoleon met his Waterloo. These miniatures were commissioned a few years back (well, the idea was put to Martin in December 2020), but one thing leads to another, and we have only just got around to getting them mastered. Martin Buck has sculpted these 'Napoleoniques' in his own inimitable style and Peter Brown of The Mouldmaker has already created the master molds so, we are just awaiting funds for the production of the well, production molds. Check the full Kickstarter here

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