Saturday, November 11, 2023

Pulp Figures: New Steam Pulp, Zulu War Range Kickstarter!

Pulp Figures: Welcome to the first Pulp Figures' Steam Pulp Kickstarter, Zulu War edition, 1879 to 1880 . I’m Bob Murch, the sculptor here at Pulp Figures. You can see everything in this initial 20 pack series of 28mm metal miniatures below (+ 6 packs of add-on Zulus). There will also be 5 stretch goal figs in this 30 day Kickstarter. All minis will be metal castings in the usual Pulp Figures format and style except for the horses which will be 3d printed resin, although metal optional horses will be available as well for those who prefer.

This is a foundational initial series (hence the Zulu War theme) that will eventually lead in many more directions including Victorian Sci-Fi and many civilian personalities both from fiction and history. The approach here is intended to be fun and light hearted, ie. character driven & Pulpy. There will be 2 backer tiers: The first will be for 5 of what I feel will be the most popular sets. The second will be All-In-for all 26 packs. All of the packs will then be available as add-ons in any quantity the backer desires. Both levels will receive the stretch goals that unlock. In order to access the add-ons at the KS price of $20 Cdn (approximately $14.75 USD) you must back one of the two backer levels. This is a fairly straight forward approach because I am a mostly one-man show and I need to keep things simple. All prices are in Canadian Dollars as is required by Kickstarter. Check the Kickstarter here

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