Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Des Tranchées aux Barricades: Poilus D'Orient - French army in The Middle East Kickstarter

Des Tranchées aux Barricades: Des tranchées aux barricades lets you relive the saga of the French army in the Middle East and North Africa during the World War I and the Interwar: the Gallipoli campaign, the Arab Revolt, the Franco-Turkish War, the Franco-Syrian War, the Great Syrian Revolt, the Rif War... Most of the miniatures will even allow you to play french troops during the Operation Exporter in 1941.

We chose the title Poilus d'Orient as a tribute to an association of French veterans that was set up in Raon-l'Étape in the Vosges (the department where we live) at the end of the World War I. This association mainly brought together soldiers who had fought in the Middle East and during the Gallipoli campaign. Check more miniatures and the Kickstarter here

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