Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Perry Miniatures: New Franco-Prussian War and World War Two Releases

Perry Miniatures: New Franco-Prussian and WW2 releases! Well actually these were up on our site a couple of days ago but in case you missed them, here they are. We have 4 metal codes for the French with 2 command codes that both include cantinieres and 2 infantry codes (marching and advancing) wearing coats with epaulettes for those who like a little more red on a French uniform! There are also 5 new Blitzkrieg Miniature’s vehicles which are very finely and crisply printed and result in kits of few parts.

French- Franco-Prussian War - Sculpted by Michael Perry

FRE 16 Infantry command standing
FRE 17 Infantry command advancing
FRE 18 Infantry advancing, epaulettes
FRE 19 Infantry marching, epaulettes

Blitzkrieg Miniatures WW2

BM 110 Italian M40
BM 111 Italian M41 command tank
BM 112 German Hetzer
BM 113 British Bedford truck
BM 114 British Deacon QF 6pdr

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