Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Hexy Studio: Star Scrappers: Battledrill vol 2, 3D Printable Skirmish STL Kickstarter Ending Soon!

Hexy Studio: Space cowboys and cowgirls! We are entering the final stage of our Star Scrappers: Battledrill Vol. 2 campaign. With only three more days to go, we'd like to thank you all for the amazing support so far and ask for a favor :) if you haven't already, please show some love for our project, sharing the campaign link on your social media and tagging Hexy Studio on Facebook and Twitter. Feel invited to join our official Discord server too! We have just managed to unlock a new stretch goal, Loeb the Seeker, but with your help we can grab even more during the final 72 hours! Check the Kickstarter here

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