Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Empress Miniatures: New Thirty Year War Range Release!

Empress Miniatures: We are proud to announce the release of an Empress Miniatures Thirty Year War range. This is a bit of grand claim as we actually purchased the range from Bohemian Miniatures. As its sculpted by Paul Hicks it logical to bring it into our Empress stables alongside the other thoroughbreds. 

The range covers foot, both pike and musket as well as artillery crew, various cavalry types from fully armoured cavalry down to dragoons. For the first batch of releases we have command, pike and musket. Some of these are shown here. Moving forward there will be more releases in the coming weeks so stay tuned. The good news is that these figures work with both the 1898 Miniatures TYW range and the Empress Miniatures ECW range. We have attached a picture showing some good examples.

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