Friday, December 10, 2021

Printable Scenery: Printable Scenery's Arcane Brush Painting Competition Results

Printable Scenery: We are pleased to announce the results of our inaugural Arcane Brush Painting Competition! With a wonderful display of technique and a variety of entries every participant has done themselves proud, showing not just only painting skill but creativity in their prints and photography too!

27 entries did have to boil down to a top three judged by Painter & Photographer Mike Los, Concept Artist Johnny Frazer-Allen and Creative Director Matt Barker. With customized trophies and a Flashforge Foto 8.9 up for grabs we came down to these three as our winners. More information here With so many quality entries it was difficult to pick the winners. Each and every entry is celebrated in our Arcane Immortals Gallery, found on the Printable Scenery website. There is also a full write up of the winners here

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