Saturday, November 13, 2021

Wargames Atlantic: Plastic Afghan Cavalry, Conquistadors Sets and More Preview

Wargames Atlantic: The tool room has finished the molds for two new sets (or at least 1 1/2!) The Conquistadors main frame and second frame and the main frame of the Afghan cavalry riders are now finished and ready for production. The horse frame is in tooling still. Aztecs and Boxers are next up after these. Photos straight from the shop floor so a little dark but you can get a sense of what is on there.

You will get four of each of the Conquistador frames in the box and six of the Afghan riders. The horses are three to the sprue and each side can work with the opposite 3 sides giving you 9 unique poses. 4 horse heads added to this mix make for 36 unique poses and the tails are separate as well so you can create a lot of variety! Release dates for both sets to be announced. Both of these will be produced in our US plastic facility.

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