Thursday, October 28, 2021

Brutal Cities: Brutal Cities 4th Wave Release Available Now!

Brutal Cities: Building on the Bruteopolis Range of Brutalist inspired terrain, Brutal Cities has released new 28-35mm scale MDF terrain suitable for multiple game systems. The Adamant Complex is a new subrange of kits designed to quickly and easily section off your tabletop with modular walls and fortifications. The Adamant Complex range gives you the choice between two types of textures - concrete or stonework. Both of these textures include ruined versions of the wall section. Ideal for narrative games, you can remove part of the wall when a breach occurs thanks to the double-layered 6mm thick walls.

The concrete wall modules include gated long and short wall sections, bunker sections with firing ports and even ramparts with ladders to let patrolling units observe the battlefield. The blockwork/stone texture kits are ideal for both sci-fi and fantasy settings. The kits include long walls, short walls, wooden textured ramparts with ladders and optional crenelation kits to turn the walls into medieval fortifications. The Adamant Wall interlocks and can be positioned between 90 and 180 degrees and the buttresses provide rigidity at right angles. The L Fortification provides cover to your troops as they shelter from the elements and enemy attack. The open back allows for ease of gameplay, making deployment easy. The Adamant Complex subrange can be interconnected so you can create a formidable fortress by combining the Adamant Wall and L Fortification for narrative play, or use the L Fortification separately to block LOS on the battlefield.

Two new buildings - 305 Sunshine Alley and Bruteopolis Plaza Tower - Section, provide convenient and easy interior access. Place your troops inside the terrain by removing the rear wall - no more fiddling around with stacking terrain modules! The 305 Sunshine Alley kit is an office building with a recessed underground club entrance. With various nooks, an internal elevator car and three levels, your miniatures have plenty of hiding places! The Bruteopolis Plaza Tower - Section kit is an easy way to recreate block wars, Dredd style! A long bridge hooks onto the windows so models can move between tower blocks. Other accessories include window cleaning/maintenance platforms and large 4 signage. A new architectural bus shelter provides the citizens of your city with a slick-looking place to shelter while they wait for the bus. Subway entrances come with a removable blast door, giving you the option to turn the metro system into a nuclear bunker! Concrete roadblocks and barriers, medium size ducting accessory kits, acrylic lights, defensive turrets and garbage bins cover you for any scatter terrain you’ll need.

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