Friday, May 28, 2021

Fireforge Games: Stone Realm: 28mm Hard Plastic Multi-Part Dwarves Kickstarter

Fireforge Games: With this campaign we want to add a new race Dwarves to our Forgotten World miniatures range. The objective of this campaign is to release 5 different sets of dwarf miniatures: Warriors, Hammerers, Arquebusiers, Crossbowmen and Rambukk Riders.

All the 3d models shown in this campaign will be in 28mm scale (28mm tall from foot to eyes of the human models), multi-part (to get an incredible number of different poses) and in hard plastic (the best choice for your models). Characters shown in this campaign will be instead in our fine resin.

Note: our products are made in UK and Italy and all our raw materials are from these two countries. We don't print our products in China or other cheaper countries. Remember when you buy our products that you are buying something made with higher production costs than projects made by other miniature and tabletop games companies. Check the full Kickstarter here

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