Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Little Soldier Company: New The Rise of the Khamaí... Reptilian Characters Kickstarter!

The Little Soldier Company: The Khamaí hordes have inhabited the jungles and swamps of Culhuacan since time immemorial. The coming of the Tenoch caused them to retreat from the ancients' ruined cities and watch from afar, biding their time as they regrouped and slowly copied the martial prowess of their soon to be foes... Check the full Kickstarter here

This short Kickstarter is to raise funds to produce the expansion of the Khamaí. They are approximately 25mm tall when standing upright and are supplied unpainted, without bases and cast in white metal which does contain lead (so should not be given to children etc..). The master moulds have already been made (the Khamaí Horde is already available) and I am just waiting on the final production moulds...

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