Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Steel Fist Miniatures: New 15mm English Civil War Range!

Steel Fist Miniatures: We are delighted to announce a new range, in a new scale. This will be a comprehensive range of superior sculpted figures, to the same high standard of our 28mm, enabling you to collect Royalist and Parliamentarian field armies.

The range starts with core troop types and is particularly suitable for the early part of the war. Personalities and leaders will initially focus on the campaigns in the South West of England between 1642 and 1645. We’ll then cover the later years of the war, with the more professionally equipped New Model Army and Scots. The figures are 15mm from foot to eye-level and so are "true 15mm" scale. We believe that these are the most highly detailed, historically accurate and finely proportioned ECW range in this scale.

The first packs now released are:

ECWF 1. Company of Pike shouldered, in mixed equipment
ECWF 2. Company of Pike at charge your pike, mixed equipment
ECWF 3. Company of Shotte, with shouldered muskets
ECWF 4. Company of Shotte, giving fire and loading
ECWH 1. Troop of Horse, charging with drawn swords
ECWH 2. Troop of Horse, trotting with drawn pistols
ECWH 3. Troop of Cuirassiers, drawn pistols
ECWH 4. Troop of Harquebusiers
ECWH 5. Troop of Lifeguard, charging with drawn swords
ECWH 6. Troop of Lifeguard, standing ready
ECWH 7. Troop of Mounted Dragoons

Further packs are already with the casters and Oliver is working on artillery and personalities for the South Western England campaigns. Packs can be purchased from

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