Friday, March 12, 2021

Breaking! Northstar Miniatures: New Hard-Plastic Stargrave Troopers and Mercenaries Preview!

Northstar Miniatures: A selection of Troopers put together by our Kev from the new plastic box set. This boxed set offers enough parts to build 20 heavily equipped characters for Stargrave, ideal for use in independent crews or as members of the pirate fleets hunting them down. While this kit includes a range of weaponry and a mix of helmeted and bare heads, even more variety can be achieved by mixing in components from other Stargrave boxed sets.

The Mercenaries. Every Stargrave crew needs mercenaries to do the combat work. The North Star/ Osprey plastic box set contains multiple weapon, head, equipment options so that no two combat groups need ever look the same. Here's Kev's first take on building figures from the Mercenaries Box Set. Released Late April 2021.

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