Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Little Soldier Company: Bar Room Brawl - RPG Miniatures for Tavern Skirmishing! Kickstarter

The Little Soldier Company: This is a project to fund production molds for this new range. I've already paid for the master molds in order to get a set of castings painted. I envisage the range increasing over time to allow for even more drunken adventures! Check the Kickstarter here

'The Dozing Dragon' has been my forum name for some years so seemed an obvious choice of title for the inn. John Pickford has sculpted all the miniatures and is beavering away on more ideas as we speak... The Anonymous Painter has done most of the examples below... although I managed to finish the vomiting vignette myself. The header artwork is by the illustrious Martin Buck and the miniatures will be cast up cast up in Nottingham by the reknowned Peter Brown of The Mouldmaker.

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