Thursday, December 31, 2020

Empress Miniatures: 28mm Vietnamese Civilians Preview

Empress Miniatures: Well we hope you all had a great Christmas. We are still enjoying a few days off from Empress, well mostly, but I thought it time for a little treat.

Here are a couple of group shots of our 28mm Vietnamese civilians. They work for quite a long period of history and certainly for both French Indo China AND the later Vietnam war. Can you spot the Hollywood father and son in the group? We will put up some more detailed pictures in the future as this is just a taster.

We sat on a lot of new releases in December as we had enough to do and thought you guys and girls needed some 'time' to catch up with real life. However come January we will be welcoming in the New Year with a lot of new releases across a number of ranges plus a lot of previews so stay tuned. Have a fantastic New Years celebrations and stay very safe out there.

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