Thursday, May 14, 2020

Kingsford Miniatures: Brand New Website - Samurai and Gladiators Galore!

Kingsford Miniatures: Hello Everyone, I am writing to let you all know that Kingsford Miniatures has finally got a new website up and running, actually it’s been running a few months, but I wanted to make sure it really did work!

So, if you have not heard of us before, we are a manufacturer of 28mm historical samurai and Roman era gladiators.  We have been in business since 2004 and are still going strong.  Several new packs are in the works which may be released using a Kickstarter (haven’t quite decided yet).

The samurai range has pretty much everything you need to get going doing battles from 1542 to 1610.  It has samurai, ashigaru, sohei, ikko-ikki and a couple of special packs too.  My wife and I intend to continue to release sets to fill what few gaps remain.

So if you are interested in samurai or gladiator miniatures, come over to our website here and take a peak.  Find out why thousands of people enjoy painting and playing with our figures.  The site is mobile device friendly as well! We are based in Victoria, BC Canada and ship pretty much anywhere.  Have questions then drop us an email at kingsfordminiatures AT yahoo DOT com. Take care everyone.

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