Thursday, April 23, 2020

Pen and Sword: Battlefields in Miniature - Making Realistic and Effective Terrain for Wargames Book

Pen and Sword: Like a good general, a good wargamer should have an eye for the ground. Just as the nature of the battlefield plays a central role in real warfare, so miniature wargames are greatly enhanced by realistic terrain. Besides, when you've spent hundreds of hours collecting and painting your miniature armies, they surely deserve ground worth fighting for. 

Master terrain modeller Paul Davies takes the reader through the process of creating a visually appealing yet practical terrain system. First the techniques of making the basic landscape are explained, then a series of projects show how this can be adapted to suit different periods or geographic locations (eg European farmland or Sudanese desert). There are then detailed chapters on adding vegetation, buildings, roadways, trench systems etc. The clear, step-by-step instructions are clearly illustrated by numerous specially-taken photographs of the work in progress and Paul's inspirational finished pieces. Available at Pen and Sword Books here

Pen and Sword: Battlefields in Miniature - Making Realistic and Effective Terrain for Wargames

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