Saturday, April 18, 2020

Acheson Creations: Annual Spring Sale Ending Soon!

Acheson Creations: 20-40% Off Sale! Acheson Creations' Spring Sale is extended through Sunday April 19th (US time). Everything on our website will be 20% off, and 40% off for our 14/7 Club Members. 

Note - all prices that you see on the site are at their 20% off price.  There is no coupon code or special process for you to go through. Join Our 14/7 Club and receive 40% off of list prices for the sale. After receiving your confirmation email, log in and see 40% off now, and 20% off everything in the store after the sale is over - plus 50% on selected 14/7 products.


Trencher said...

That site had malware for me.

legatus hedlius said...

And me!

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Thanks for warning! Please visit on your own risk, hadn't noticed it when posting!