Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Breaking! Gripping Beast: New Hard-Plastic Norman Infantry and Cavalry Preview

Gripping Beast: How about a little Tuesday teaser? I think it's high time we shared the renders for our upcoming Norman Infantry!

To kick it all off we've got the armoured and unarmoured infantry; all set to fill out your forces in Swordpoint, SAGA and beyond! We've worked with our sculptor to ensure they are appropriately equipped for the period with swords, spears and axes; as well as the ever iconic kite shield! Additionally, here's a tease for the Standard Bearer from the Norman Command Frame. You'll find a few other interesting items on there which we'll be showing off once the first test cut returns in the near future! We're currently assessing the ideal box make-up for our Norman Infantry, and we'll have a little more information for you closer to the time of release. To cap it all off; here's a teaser of our Norman Cavalry (or is it Knights?). We hope to have some juicy Archers and Crossbowmen to share with you soon.

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