Monday, December 11, 2017

Expeditionary Force: New 54mm War of 1812 - American Militia and British Marines

Expeditionary Force released these brand new 54mm War of 1812 - American Militia and British Marines. Each of the below box-set contains 9 model soldiers with 1 Sergeant or Militia officer and 8 infantrymen with action postures for attacking or advancing. The sets are priced at our standard price of USD 32.50 per box-set (inclusive of postage). British Highlanders and Dragoons, American Riflemen in Hunting Shirts (Kentuckians) and French Artillery sets will follow from the above.

54 AMR 01 American Militia in Civilian Dress - This is the first of the American Army sets for the War of 1812. The models are suitable for conflicts from Baltimore to the Alamo & 54 BRT 01-RM  British Royal Marines - This is the first of the British/Canadian Army sets to match the Americans in the War of 1812. They are essentially British Infantry but with the Royal Marine top hats.

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