Saturday, December 23, 2017

Breaking! Fireforge Games: Plastic Byzantine Archers and Javelinmen, Foot Knights and More

Fireforge Games: Christmas! Finally! Another year gone and here in Fireforge, while we are still packaging the last orders (that sorry but they will be sent only after Christmas), we wish you all a merry Christmas (what a wonderful word) and an happy new year.

We worked a lot during this 2017 to improve our quality production and we hope you are satisfied by that. We released a new range of figures, the Byzantines, and the albion's knights to who was searching for fantasy generic figures. And of course we tried for the first time Kickstarter opening a new world of possibilities for our company and for you customers. What there will be in next year? Well, a lot of things! 

For sure more historical releases: yet planned the byzantine archers and javelinmen, and the foot knights set to give you all the soldier with swords and two handed weapons you want. And... and I will not give you more news because we have the idea that before to reveal something we want be sure that we will have all the permissions to do that. I want let you know that we are doing all what we can to bring to life what you asked to us in this years. We will also be happy to increase our range of fantasy football figures and opening our company to great quality fantasy figures for wargames and roleplay if it will be possible. All without delaying our other historical projects (while doing byzantines we are expanding our range in another region). All this, is thanks to you customers, don't forget that when you buy a Fireforge product. Come on with a great 2018!

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