Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Ministry of Gentlemanly Warfare: Official Blood Eagle Wargame Rules Release Announcement

The Ministry of Gentlemanly Warfare: The Ministry of Gentlemanly Warfare is pleased to announce the release of Blood Eagle, skirmish warfare in the legendary Dark Ages.

Using the highly successful skirmish rules, proven in thousands of games of In Her Majesty's Name and Daisho, this game allows you to play the heroic leader of a warband fighting across Northern Europe in the 9th and 10th centuries.

The game is set so you can play it at three levels; historical, heroic and legendary. Thus you can be the noble Saxons bravely resisting brutal Viking raids, have a famous hero such as Egil Skallagrimsson or Jarl Lagertha lead your warband, or go full legendary and introduce warbands such as the Jotun, the Sidhe/Svartalfr or Draugr as well as creatures such as dragons and trolls.

As with our other games we have included the full points costing system and positively encourage players to research and create their own, unique warbands. When creating your heroes and warband you have the choice of dozens of figure traits. If you choose to play at the legendary level you can also choose from a range of both Christian Miracles and Pagan Wyrd magical powers, for this was the age when the pagan peoples of northern Europe made their last stand against the implacable advance of the One God.

There is a scenario, complication and landscapes system that gives you the option of literally thousands of unique engagements. This, in its turn, supports a full campaign system so you can run a series of games culminating in your very own Ragnarok.

The game is already supported by a dedicated blog and a very active Facebook group with five hundred members. Free materials such as reference sheets, new warbands and creatures will be available from the blog. There shall also be regular battle reports and dark age terrain tutorials. The men from the Ministry shall be visiting numerous shows over the summer to run participation games beginning with Salute 2016, so look out for us there. Northstar Miniatures now have the book available for purchase here.

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