Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Renedra Limited: More Plastic Modular Castle Pictures and Information

Renedra Limited previewed more pictures of their massive plastic castle and shared some more information on the content of the boxed set.

Our moulding machines are working overtime now and over the next few weeks - that means so are we - as the finished moulds for the Tower and Gatehouse are being run. We have been asked to clarify the contents of the standard 3 tier Tower box and approximate weight of the item for transporting around - so we weighed finished Tower that we are using in our diorama and it's just over half a kilo. The box contents to make this are - 4 x frames with cross bow slits to build the lower levels, 2 x Window frames, 2 x stone effect bases, 2 x frames of crenellations, Gargoyles and Wall Torches and 2 x frames with Doors, trapdoors and Portcullis this frame also has the corners designed to make it a bit more fantasy if required - so 12 assorted frames in each box.

More detail pictures available here

Renedra: Fantasy - Historical Miniature Wargame Plastic Castle

If you don't glue the upper base in place this can be removed easily to allow miniatures to be put inside the tower so they can be placed firing through the windows. Walls for the Castle are currently being manufactured, and these we feel will give our customers a lot of options to customise and add extras at a later date, and to make a Castle/Tower/Gatehouse compound to suit particular table sizes etc., Already we are talking about adding at a later date a Merchants House, an Inn, perhaps a Guild Hall, Breached Walls and ladders for those who would like to have other scenery pieces to compliment their project, it seems there is an endless list that we are getting suggestions for, as well as things like fireplaces and tables for those who would like some internal furniture. Thanks for all the e-mails and interest we have received.

Renedra: Fantasy - Historical Miniature Wargame Plastic Castle

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