Sunday, March 13, 2016

Manorhouse Workshop: More Modular Ruined Abbey Test Videos Published

Manorhouse Workshop: On some of the forums people are asking : “but do the bases have a fixation system between one another ?”

The answer is: they don’t fix to each other. The material they’re made of is not too light and the other side of the base is glossy. This allows a natural adherence on all surfaces (like a table, or on a tablecloth). The first video will allow you to understand fully what we mean. We did throw 2 bases on our table. One flat (Cobblestones base) and one tridimensional (Column Ruins base). The result ? When they land on the table they land firmly in place and do not glide over.

But what happens if we place several bases together ? Can they move or glide when we place our miniatures or other stuff on top? Not really. In our second video we show you that by passing our hand quickly and heavily on the base, the later just doesn’t really move. Same result if we move our hand quickly on all bases. Of course, this test is pushed to the extreme, you’d never let your 3D Bases subject to such stress in real life. But this is to show you that there is no need to attach the bases one to another.

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