Saturday, March 5, 2016

DGS Games: Traazorite Crusaders: Freeblades Fantasy Miniatures Kickstarter - Make Your Own Model

DGS Games: DGS Games has added a special 'Make Your Own Model' reward level to their ongoing Traazorite Crusaders miniature kickstarter

From their Kickstarter Update: You become a model in the Traazorite Freeband and a character in the story of Faelon and the Traazorite Empire. 

You will work with the designer to create a new human-sized model for the Traazorite Crusaders, including a model concept and stats that fits the faction and at least one new talent that has not yet appeared in the game system. The model will be sculpted to look like you, if you wish. You will receive two masters of the model, one painted by one of our studio painters, credit for the design of the model and the new talent in the rulebook and a 3-5000 word short story about your character's adventures! Join the Empire!

Building on their reputation for realistic models for male and female characters, as well as animals and monsters; DGS has revealed they are working on some future female character heroes from Traazor. From their reward announcement: Note that a female model would be from the secret rebellion known as the Eclipse… the Empire is cool, but so are their most determined enemies! This model, while Traazorite by nationality, would be available as an ally to all other Freebands and part of the future Eclipse faction. You can learn more about DGS Games and see their current model line at their website here

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