Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Barbaric Splendor: New Conan Inspired Barbarian Kickstarter Miniatures

Barbaric Splendor: These two are on their way to me, and will be part of an upcoming Kickstarter to launch Barbaric Splendor Miniatures properly I hope! 

Both are sculpted by Leandro Ventic - the one on the left is a conversion of an existing miniature and will be a standard choice in the campaign. The other is based on art by Ariel Olivetti, who has given his blessing to it as long as its not sold - so it will be a free miniature for all backers who pledge for 3 miniatures or more. I should have some more pictures of the other miniatures to show soon!

Barbaric Splendor: New Conan Inspired Barbarian Kickstarter Miniatures

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