Friday, February 19, 2016

Renedra: New Plastic Modular Tower Sprues Previewed and News on Full Castle!

Renedra: Tower/Castle update - things are moving along nicely with the project, and we now have some ideas of the costs that we thought we would share with you.

These are not yet set in stone but are not expected to be far off. The Tower will consist of 12 frames, these will build a three tier Tower, it will be boxed as our other buildings and will cost £36. The Gatehouse will consist of a boxed Tower with an additional bag containing frames to build the 4 tier product and will cost £42. The wall sections will consist of 4 frames and will cost £10. To build a castle of 4 Towers, 2 Gatehouses, and 8 packs of wall sections the cost if bought separately will be £308, but will be offered complete for around £250 to £260 this will build a Castle about a metre square. 

The Tower will be approximately 28cms high and the Gatehouse approximately 36 cms high, the Wall sections will be approximately 15 cms high by 21 cms in length. The complete Castle frames will be packed into a large carton with instruction leaflets not in separate boxes. We are also looking at deals for various combinations which we will offer on our webstore. We are on target to complete the Tower for a Salute release, and the rest to follow shortly after. We have today got the base section for the Tower, see picture attached, also another picture showing how easy it is to adapt and customise the product to have an open Portcullis with internal doors, as we continue over the next week or two with the next frame (crenellations) will post more.

Renedra: New Plastic Modular Miniature Tower and Gate House Warhammer Fantasy

Renedra: New Plastic Modular Miniature Tower and Gate House Warhammer Fantasy

Renedra: New Plastic Modular Miniature Tower and Gate House Warhammer Fantasy

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