Saturday, February 13, 2016

Myriad Miniatures: Age of Tyrants Kickstarter - New Miniature and Scenery Pledges Released

Myriad Miniatures' Age of Tyrants Kickstarter has less than 5 days on the counter so make sure to take a look as more pledges have been added listening to the feedback for individual models and starter sets.

Our project page has undergone a major update as we had reached our character limit. Hopefully, you will be able to manage your way around it much more easily and that the pledging system is a lot clearer, thanks Rob. Please free feel to give us any suggestions. We now have on offer our 2 player starter sets.

Myriad Miniatures - Age of Tyrants - Miniature Starter Army Set

We are also offering all our models as single bases for those of you that are more interested in painting and collecting than gaming, thank you Nicolas. We've also unlocked the template set too.

Myriad Miniatures - Age of Tyrants - Miniatures

Myriad Miniatures - Age of Tyrants - Miniature Template

New scenery pledges filled with the excellent resin scenery of Brigade Games have also been added to the Kickstarter so if you fancy creating awesome battlefields to be used with your Age of Tyrants miniatures make sure to grab some along the way.

Myriad Miniatures - Age of Tyrants - Miniature Science Fiction Scenery

The stretchgoals have also been adjusted to include free bonus sets including crewmembers and bits to decorate your powerful armoured tanks and vehicles. Check the picture below to check these nice bonus sprues and the ways to get some.

Myriad Miniatures - Age of Tyrants - Miniature Free Bonus Sets

Check the full Kickstarter here to see all the unlocked stretch goals and miniatures along with more information about the gameplay of Age of Tyrants. Check the website here for more information about the science fiction universe and factions involved.

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