Saturday, February 13, 2016

Games Workshop: Last Chance to Buy - Warhammer Tomb Kings Miniatures

Games Workshop will be removing the popular fantasy Tomb Kings miniatures from their Warhammer - Age of Sigmar webstore. 

Looking at this quote from Games Workshop: "Last Chance to Buy! Tomb Kings miniatures - when they're gone, they're gone!" Shame as these miniatures are unique in their styling and who don't like Egyptian themed undead legions flanked with all sorts of epic creatures such as bone giants, necrosphinx and tomb scorpions. 

Although these numerous fantasy creatures are all very nice, my personal favorites of the range are still the ordinary skeleton warriors which form the bulk of many Warhammer Tomb King armies on the tabletop. Just checked if my favorite online wargame retaillers still have some of them in stock at a discount and sure they do as Wayland Games, Element Games and Firestorm Games are still stocking these miniatures. So make sure to get reinforcements for your Tomb Kings armies before they march towards the barren realm of out of production.

Games Workshop: Warhammer  Age of Sigmar Tomb Kings Miniatures

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