Sunday, February 14, 2016

Antimatter Games: Beast of The Blood Reef Kickstarter Shark Miniature Preview

Antimatter Games has previewed this Beast of the Blood Reef for their upcoming Nereids of Blood Reef Kickstarter.

The Beast of Blood Reef cruises the shadowy depths, summoned by the Nereids in defense of their realm. This massive, scarred shark was sculpted by Bob Olley and will be part of the upcoming Kickstarter, "Nereids of Blood Reef", which will include a new campaign supplement and miniatures for DeepWars and ShadowSea. It is slated to start in the next few weeks. More info will be released, including concepts, sculpts, and rules, as we get closer to launching the project.

Antimatter Games: Beast of The Blood Reef Shark Miniature

Antimatter Games: Beast of The Blood Reef Shark Miniature

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