Friday, February 5, 2016

Alternative Armies: Fighting Fungi by Ganesha Games Released at Alternative Armies

Alternative Armies: Alternative Armies 28mm: Under our agreement with Ganesha Games we are delighted to announce the first wave of the 'Fighting Fungi' range is now on our website! Produced and Shipped from here in Scotland we have 10% off all the codes too! Plus as fantasy miniatures they qualify for the free Stricken Adventurer in an order placed with us. If you like Spores, Fungus Men and more have a look. Click through for all the images and codes. Great miniatures. Thanks. GBS

Back in September we announced our arrangement with Ganesha Games to fulfil backers orders on their 'Song of Blades Hammer and Forge' Kickstarter. You can read about that on our blog. As well as this project we are now geared up for direct and trade sales of the Fighting Fungi range of 28mm scale white metal miniatures. The first wave of releases from the range are now online on Ganesha Games new page on the Alternative Armies website. The miniatures are manufactured right here in Scotland and shipped worldwide so no worries about stock or availability.

It is our intention to release the Fighting Fungi range in three waves with the first now out which contains Fungi, Enoki, Spores, Nymphs and Oaken for a total of sixteen different miniatures. All the miniatures are online as singles and there is a value pack too containing one of each in this wave. We offer 15% off the value pack and until we release the next wave all the singles are 10% off too! More information and miniature codes here.

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