Thursday, January 21, 2016

Myriad Games: Age of Tyrants Kickstarter Launched - Massive Scale Wargaming!

Myriad Miniatures has just launched their Age of Tyrants Kickstarter! Massive Scale Wargaming! A 6mm scale miniatures game with a unique unit activation system inspired by the doctrine of combined warfare.

There are 4 factions to choose from, each with very different play styles to suit your approach. Forces are simple, and easy-to-build. Models are all mounted on a standard 50mm square base. 4 bases form a platoon, and 4 platoons form a company which is the starting force for your game. Once you get the hang of the system you can try bigger games with more companies.You can get the beta rules from our site now for here for free.

As we roll out the expansions, we’ll introduce specialist platoons such as recon, urban warfare, airborne elements and tank hunters. Simply swap out old platoons for new ones to fit the strategic objectives of the scenario. There may even be new factions to choose from. Point values for each base are either 1, 2 or 3, so you can easily do the maths in your head. We also provide online army builders that allow you add call signs to each platoon, then print out a roster for easy reference.

The models come in two basic sorts: infantry and vehicles. The infantry will be produced in a white metal alloy and the vehicles will come as multipart kits with larger parts, such as hulls and turrets, in a high quality, very resilient, polyurethane resin, and smaller parts in white metal.

You will see in the pre-production model pictures that the small components are in resin. This proved too fiddly so we will produce parts like antennae and satellite dishes as metal add-ons sets. This will allow backers to get their forces on the table at the double, whereas those who want to personalise their models can do so with these add-ons. In addition all production moulds will be made directly from 3D printed masters, to retain optimal detail with negligible shrinkage.

You can clearly see the remarkable detail on the resin vehicles, which is the level of detail you will receive with your production casts. Metal figures will benefit from this approach as it removes a whole moulding process, ensuring greater fidelity and detail on the casts. Check our thorough Wargame News and Terrain Review here.

Help Wargame News and Terrain getting some free tanks and infantry and subscribe or register on the Age of Tyrants website by following this link here. Thanks!

There are 5 main pledge levels, each is based on a purchase value of pledge level platoons. Simply select the level you want to buy, you do not have to make a final decision on what platoons you want until the campaign ends and there will be lots of new platoons to choose from as the project rolls out. Similarly there will be a range of free stretches for the higher pledge levels. The higher we go the more stuff will be unlocked, in time free stuff will be allocated to the lower pledge levels too. Please be sure to regularly check the Free Stretch Goals section below to see what your pledge entitles you to. There is also a support pledge level which gives you access to all the add-ons if you only fancy a couple of pieces. For pledge level backers that require add-ons simply add that value to your pledge level backing. As with choosing your platoons you choose your add-ons at the end of the campaign in the pledge manager system.

We also have 5 Early Bird Pledges, 3 of them include original artwork by our very own Wayne England, if you've wanted to own a piece of original art by one of the most respected in the hobby then now's your chance!

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