Monday, January 11, 2016

Black Hat Miniatures: 2016 Wargame Plans Revealed - Range Additions Announced

Black Hat Miniatures: A lot of the latter part of 2015 was taken up with work on Imperial Miniatures, my new Toy Soldier company which meant that we didn't release many new items for our own wargaming ranges.

We did, of course, release a lot of new figures for the Unfeasibly Miniatures Exotic Adventures range and there are several packs, vehicles and buildings in the pipeline for that range which will be released over the next few months. Mark @ Unfeasibly also has a new range - The Empire in Peril - planned which we will be releasing as well.

We are finally going to start work on the French for Martian Empires, to complete all the armies in the original rule book. Planning on this is under way at the moment and I am hoping to be able to show some progress in February. I am still undecided whether to fund this through a Kickstarter project (in collaboration with Scale Creep Miniatures) or not - it would enable us to release things faster and make more complete initial release. More news when we have it.

For Martian Empires, we will also be releasing the home service cavalry, and have an imminent release of specialist cavalry for all the earth forces. Our next release in 28mm will be the Martian Traders range for Mutants and Madmen. Samples of the range in this post.

I am currently working through the production moulds for this range. After that, I would like to release some more figures for the WW1 Fantasy range with some Goblins in Gasmasks and a Trench Mortar already planned.

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