Tuesday, December 15, 2015

West Wind Productions: New Weird World War Two Secrets of the Third Reich Miniatures

West Wind Productions: Ruined Britannia – The Battle for Britain’s Soul. On the British home front, we give you a first glimpse of the struggle going on in the ruins of London for the soul of the United Kingdom between the dark and Machiavellian agents of the Temple and the grim warriors of the MI-13. While both fight for the survival of the England, they have very different visions of her future. 

Ruined Britannia brings a vision of a war ravage Kingdom, which is far from united in its approaches to the war... Containing orders of Battle are suited to the desperate battle that rages through both the green and pleasant lands, and the dark satanic mills that constitute the war for Britain’s Soul in addition to scenarios and a mini-campaign covering the creeping advances of the Decima.

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