Monday, December 7, 2015

Pendraken Miniatures: New World War Two and Modern Vehicles Released

Pendraken Miniatures: With all the recent Warband Fantasy additions, we didn't want to neglect all of our other customers, so here's half a dozen fancy new vehicles to keep you busy! 

First up we've got some additions to the WWII British, with the AEC Mk I gun carrier, or 'Deacon' to its friends. These were only used in North Africa and less than 200 were produced, but it's a distinctive piece of kit with its sharp angles. Secondly, we've got the Leyland Retriever trucks, used throughout the war and of course famously by Monty himself.

Elsewhere for WWII, we previewed the Fiat 508CM a short while back and here it is! This one comes with both roof up and roof down versions, so you can pick and choose as you please. There's no personnel in it, but we are looking at getting some drivers and passengers sculpted to go in all of our vehicles.

Moving forward a little, we've expanded the Modern vehicle ranges as well. Firstly, the Lynx recon vehicle, which was used by a number of nations, including Canada and the Netherlands. And then we've got the absolute behemoth that is the FV214 Conqueror! Developed in the latter stages of WWII, the Conqueror was designed to go up against the Russian IS-3 tanks. It was produced from 1955-66 until modifications to the Centurion reduced the need for it. It's an imposing machine though and the model looks great!

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