Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Khurasan Miniatures: New Science Fiction 22nd Century Range

Khurasan Miniatures: We are very pleased to release the first faction of our 22nd century range, the Jong-PAC, the combine of Asian powers. They are available now. The United Systems Marine Corps and the alien Acarines will be released next. 

The twenty-second century is a time of tumult. Most Asian nations have joined a great federation, the Jong-PAC, (mostly) putting aside age-old animosities to combine as the greatest terrestrial power in the world. And the Jong-PAC wasted no time in asserting this power, expanding militarily on the planet's surface and also, to a lesser extent, in space. The Western alliance that had previously dominated global affairs, the United Systems (USyS), was caught off guard, having lately focused on expansion in space. and rapidly lost ground on the planet's surface to the Jong-PAC. As battles raged across its territory, the Restored Russian Federation (RRF) entered into uneasy coalitions with the USyS to fight off Jong-PAC aggression, although the RRF was not in the least adverse to switching allies when the situation demanded. 

Ground combat has changed and infantry is again the queen of battles, because most vehicles have proved too vulnerable to drone and orbital battery strike. Infantry are delivered to the combat zone in shielded landers. In combat they are supported by Heavy Combat Droids (HCDs), unmanned MAGLEV armoured fighting vehicles with artificial intelligence and a degree of self-awareness. Only the HCDs are tough enough to survive long on the battlefield, relying on with a combination of heavy armour and an array of sophisticated active defence systems. The HCDs and infantry cooperate in a manner similar to 21st century combined arms.

In battles fought in Central Asia, the Middle East, and the Midwestern areas of the United States, the Jong-PAC advance was eventually checked, and the USyS retained its dominance in space, where the only Jong-PAC gains were obtained by settling new systems. And in only their second settlement, the Jong-PAC marine forces came into conflict with an alien race, the Acarines, who promptly attacked and obliterated the foundling Jong-PAC colony and advanced toward the Near-Earth Zone, where they have begun conducting miliary operations against the Earth powers. These strange aliens combine humanoid and insectoid features and wear heavy environmental suits at all times. They still rely on crewed vehicles but, like all other Acarine tech, these are formidable and at least a match for the Earth HCDs. 

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