Sunday, November 15, 2015

Creepy Hero Games: Buildings in a Bag Kickstarter Project Live and Exclusive Texture Plates Preview!

Creepy Hero Games: Buildings in a Bag Kickstarter project is now live! The 28mm scale modular building system that allows you to create buildings of any shape and size and then break them down for easy storage. 

That's one insanely huge building block -Judge Dredd Block Wars here we come!

And here's a Wargame News and Terrain exclusive! Push Goal number six: Texture Plates. Though the walls can be used as is texture plates can be added to give the walls more texture, and best of all they can be snapped off then replaced so the brick walls for the 1920's brownstone apartment building in your pulp game can turn into a field stone shack for your fantasy game in a matter of minutes.

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