Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Alien Dungeon: Crush of Iron Fantasy Master Mass Battles Kickstarter Launched

Alien Dungeon: Crush of Iron Fantasy Master is the Miniature Game of Epic Fantasy Battles where you muster your army and master your foe.

Crush of Iron Fantasy Master is a 15mm Fantasy Tabletop Wargame, set in the World of the “Isle of Iron”, which utilizes the Crush of Iron Rule System. Like many similar games, it is played using Armies built from collectible miniatures on a wargames table or surface ranging from eight square feet up to any size you can imagine.

The game is designed to be realistic, in that it represents what truly happens in a battle. Not everyone charges and makes it into combat at the same time. Troops fleeing may succumb to their wounds or fatigue before reforming or leaving the battlefield. It takes time to organize a formation and formations affect combat results. While troops rally to the sound of their musicians, the loss or capture of a Standard or Banner can demoralize troops. Generals and characters truly exert an influence in the outcome of things. Fate and Luck can change the outcome of a battle, as well as tactics and planning. Maneuvering your units actually matters…armor, weapon type, terrain, and troop experience truly dictate whether you win or lose. You must build your army considering all these factors to create a well balanced, fighting force, capable of defeating your opponent.

Crush of Iron is about Battles between Armies. If you like playing games that are won by Characters and Generals, then this game is not for you. There are Generals and Characters in the game, but they are there to lend support to the troops, not to decide the outcome of the game. Above all, this is a game of Tactics, Formations and Maneuver. While the mechanics are simple to learn, the flexibility of Army creation, the use of Orders, Formations, and the positioning and use of your troops make the game tough to master. It is not an “I take my turn, you take your turn game”. Orders dictate who goes when. A complete game turn will see each player take multiple actions or reactions. Real battles see events happen in a true ebb and flow fashion. A General does not stand around waiting to see everything his opponent does before deciding what he is going to do himself. He commits his troops at opportunistic moments or as a reaction to an enemy maneuver, exploiting weaknesses in the enemy lines and tactics whenever they present themselves. You will find that the order you choose to do things, during the game, can greatly influence the outcome of the battle. Think very carefully when you are placing your order counters. Acting first or reacting at the right time will be of great importance, particularly during combats.

Ed Spettigue is the primary author of the rules and he has had lots of support from Jamey Pirozzolo. Both of these gentlemen have played more fantasy games and run more tournaments than most on the planet! They also reached out for support from a very seasoned gang of play testers and have been playing every week for month. 

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