Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Unfeasibly Miniatures: New Empire in Peril - Imperial German Army Range

Unfeasibly Miniatures: The new Empire In Peril range, depicts the Imperial German Army of Kaiser Wilhelm II in the period 1890 to 1910. 

During this period, the uniforms were ablaze in colour, particularly the mounted regiments. The Garde and Cavalry units were the elite and, therefore, were brightly adorned. The goal of The Kaiser was a large Empire, with ambitious plans for the invasion of Britain or the USA, however never enacted upon.

A new range of 28mm miniatures (1/56 scale) that depicts the defeat of Britain at the hand of an invading German army at the turn of the 19th century. Over a hundred years since the publication of one of the most popular examples of the invasion-scare genre: Saki’s When William Came (1913), famous account imagines the defeat of Britain at the hand of an invading German army. The range will cover initial cover the Imperial German Army of the Kaiser from 1880 to 1910, based on the wonderful artwork by Becker and will include infantry, cavalry and artillery. The first 3 packs of figures consist of Infantry & Command figures, each infantry pack has 4 unique figures, whilst the command pack has 3 figures depicting two officers and a bugler.

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